Creating Profile Fields

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To add profile fields, go to the Users tab on your project and click on the Profile Fields area on the left hand side. Next, click the blue "New Profile Field" text.

You're well on your way! Click Next for the next step.

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Each profile field needs a unique name to identify it throughout your project. This is not shown to participants.

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Then select the type of profile field. For example, is it information that will be added as text or a field from a given number of options. You can select which type of field you are adding by using the drop down menu. 

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Once you are ready to create your profile field, click "Save".

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You can create additional profile fields by clicking the "New Profile Field" button and following the previous steps again. If you want to edit or delete a profile field, use the edit or delete icons in the ACTIONS column.

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To add profile fields to a participant, either use the bulk importer or add them in the system by clicking on the user's avatar anywhere you see it. Click in the profile field to make changes.

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When you click off the box you were editing in, you will see a green check appear to show that it saved.