Moderator Creating a Quick Poll

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From the Project Dashboard, click the Create Event button

You're well on your way! Click Next for the next step.

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Select the green box that says Quick Poll.

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Next you will give your event a Public and Private Name. The Public Name can be viewed by any user. The Private name is not visible to respondents. Select the timezone that the project's open and close dates will be based off of. Finally click Create Event.

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Click the event's Title to enter the event and begin setting everything up! Alternatively if you have a place you know you want to jump to, you can click the arrow next to view event.

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Click Edit to begin adding questions for the respondents to complete. 

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Click "Click here to add one" to begin setting up your sections. Sections are a group of questions. In a Quick Poll sections all open at the beginning of the event, but can be gated behind one another by making questions in a section mandatory.

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Next, you will name your section. This is shown to participants. When you are finished, click Save.

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Now, we'll add a question. First, click on New Question. Click the drop down and select the question type. Your choices are text, notice, multiple choice, multiple answer, matrix multiple choice, matrix multiple answer, and media response. See here for more about each question type.

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The first text box is the task title to identify the question (this is visible to the respondents). The second box is the area for you to put the instructions of the task for the respondent to complete.

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Below the task body, you will see question settings that vary depending on the question type (i.e. Require Media). If these are green, it means that they are applied for the question. If you want to require a response, click Mark as Mandatory.

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You can click the Attach button to add media to your task for respondents. To see a list of accepted media, go here.

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Click Save, and that's it! You've made your first question!