What are channels automatically created for?

There are two main ways of using channels. They are automatically created by each existing event in a project or they can be manually created. 

Moderator and Observer Channel

Think of this as the backroom for your entire project. All of the observers and moderators are automatically added to this channel. This cannot be seen by participants, but all moderators and observers in the project have access to any messages sent here.

Event Channel

All moderators are automatically added to the event channels. The purpose of these channels are to provide an area where they can have a conversation around a particular event. Moderators can invite other users, such as observers, to the channels either during event creation or add one with the add user button.

Custom Channel

Custom channels can be manually created for whatever a Moderator wants. They are there so moderators or observers can discuss any portion of the study with whomever they choose. Moderators can invite other users, such as observers, to the channels either during channel creation or add one with the Add User button. Channels can be created with the Create Channel button.