New Articles

  1. How to link to a website

    How to add a hyperlink to your post.
  2. When can I expect payment?

    Who to reach out to regarding payment for your study.
  3. Responding to an activity

    How to complete your activity.
  4. Uploading Media

    How to attach videos, images, or documents to your responses.
  5. Deactivating and Reactivating Users

    How to deactivate a user on a project or activity.
  6. Generating a Report

    How to generate a PDF, Excel, or Crosstab report for your event.
  7. Uploading Media

    How to attach videos, images, or documents to your tasks.
  8. Following Up to a Respondent

    How to leave a follow-up to a respondent's response to a task.
  9. Emailing a User

    How to send an email to a participant.
  10. Adding Users to Your Event

    How to add users to a specific event.