New Articles

  1. How to Prevent a Firewall from Blocking QualBoard

    There are a number of systems that help provide the full experience in QualBoard. Sometimes firewalls or VPN's can block some of these systems and lead to an error message in the system. When this happens, there are a few steps that you can take t...
  2. MacOS Enabling Screen Share Permissions

    How to enable MacOS Screen Share Permissions
  3. Moderator Running a Crowd Survey

    How to run a Live Poll event
  4. Moderator Creating a Crowd Survey

    How to create a Live Poll
  5. Supported Transcription Languages

    Languages and availability of machine and human video transcription.
  6. Using the lobby during a QualMeeting interview

    How to use the lobby during a QualMeeting interview
  7. Seeing Another User's Dial-In Information

    How to access Dial-In Information for a different user
  8. Project Notification Settings

    How to change what notifications each user level can receive.
  9. Observing a QualMeeting Interview

    How to Observe a QualMeeting interview
  10. Obfuscating Users

    How to obfuscate users and what it does